Tag Archive: free

Protrekkr v2.5.4

If you’re looking for a quick & easy way to make music then I recommend you take a look at Protrekkr. It’s ideally suited to making music for indie games, demos etc. Combine it with the Sound-Effects generator sfxr & you’ll have everything you need to make audio for your projects.


Free File Splitter

Back before USB drives, when 3.5 inch disks were the norm, I’d usually need to use a file splitting utility to break-up a large application before transferring it to another computer.

File Splitters can still be useful nowadays when you need to upload something to a site which has an arbitrary size limit set  such as 10MB or similar. Plus the same utility that you used for splitting can also be used for merging too.

There are a lot to choose from but currently this is the Splitter I’m using which is completely free.